Our Staff

Ann began working with AgeBetter, Inc., as a consultant in early 2004, when Sharing Active Independent Lives (SAIL) was being launched as a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community demonstration project. Several years prior, she was an assisted living administrator at Oakwood Village. This experience, along with a master’s degree in rehabilitation psychology from UW-Madison, helped immensely in the formation and success of SAIL. She has shaped the program into a unique and sustainable community resource for older adults that also takes a leadership role in the national “village movement.” In addition to oversight of SAIL, she is spearheading initiatives related to senior affordable housing, training and education for people working with older adults, a locally grown produce and community-based garden program, and more. Contact Ann at ann@agebettertoday.org.

Becky supports SAIL volunteers, matches volunteers with individual member service requests, and recruits and orients new volunteers. She also provides customer support to members and others contacting SAIL and offers administrative and technical support to the SAIL team. She brings experience as a certified occupational therapy assistant and provider of direct care services in assisted living, independent living, and adult day programming. Contact Becky at becky@sailtoday.org.

With expertise in communications, higher education, and senior care, Sarah supports the marketing, public relations, and member communications functions of SAIL. She assists with The Messenger (monthly newsletter), weekly email messages, the website, collateral materials, and press releases to increase overall awareness of SAIL. She holds a degree in English and education. Contact Sarah at sarah@sailtoday.org.